How you doin’?
We were able to get the round in on Wednesday with only the slightest of sprinkles hitting the final few groups.
Wayne Brady Baldelli went up alone against Keith and long ago member Tim Leveek. Tim hasn’t played since the previous president was impeached. He used that to his advantage as a “no bad habits to fight”. Tim and Keith went 23-17.
Alex and Phil went up against Bob and Paul B. Bob thumped Phil 14-6 and his side went 23-17.
Phil M. and Paul C. met Jody and Nic The Sub. They toiled into a 20-20 tie. They wanted to play extra holes to find a winner and then remembered this isn’t the playoffs…
Chris and Rick recovered from last weeks’ abuse and turned the tables on Chelsea and Craig. 25-15. Chris and Rick were fueled by each grabbing a Birdie on the way.
Ian and Ron worked over me and Kevin H. 26-14. Ian got me 14-6. I wasted every decent tee shot and then wasted the last few tee shots to boot. Ron shot a 40 with some impressive ball flight control…I’m a big fan.
Paul D. and Kevin Z. smacked around a couple of disciples named Mark and Luke Alves. 28-12. Paul got his first Birdie and also paid his entry fee…nice.
Tony and Bill got beat up a bit by newcomers Hans and Brandon, 24-16. Hans got a Birdie! I’ll be leaning on him for the Pool…
Unfortunately for Gary and Ken, Bruce showed up and was suspected of using PED’s. Normally who cares, but when it happens to you it hurts, bad. Bruce went +1 over the last 5 holes and thrashed them boys 29-11.
Check the Standings to see who was on top last week and who is there now.